Lohas Taiwan



愛台灣 2009/11/03

台灣石虎是台灣原產僅有的二種貓科動物其中之一, 也就是俗稱的“山貓”或“錢貓” 。石虎體型比家貓略大。身長約44.5~107cm, 外形體色棕黃或灰褐色,並具有褐色, 紅棕或黑棕色點狀斑。分辨石虎跟家貓不同的最重要特徵就是: 自兩眼內側至額頭的灰白色縱帶,耳背為黑褐色,有塊白斑。由於棲息地急遽的減少,台灣石虎如許多其他台灣珍有的野生動物,已被列為保育類動物。藉由這次石虎的主題,希望在捐款助人的同時,也可以讓大家對與我們共同生活在這個美麗島嶼上的石虎,有更多的瞭解。

Leopard cat is one of only 2 wild felines in Taiwan. It has borne many other names such as “Mountain Cat”, “Coin-spotted Cat”. Leopard cat’s body mass is about just slightly larger than the domestic cats. It has a body length of 44.5~107cm. Its body covers brown yellow or grey yellowish skin with red brown or dark brown spots. The most prominent difference that parting Leopard Cat from the domestic cats are the greyish marking starting from the eyes to the back of its head and big white spots on the back of its dark brown ears. Leopard cat itself has been listed as one of endangered species in Taiwan due to dramatic decrease of its living habitat like many other unique animals specifically belongs to Taiwan. By using the image of Taiwanese Leopard Cat to help people will also help people learn more about this illusive creature who share this beautiful island together with us.

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已屆40而不惑之年,希望能夠應用自己的經驗,為社會貢獻一己之心力。 因為本身工作的關係,所以在產品整合行銷,網路行銷,電子商務,業務開發,營運管理,與創意發想等領域,都有所涉獵。 希望透過這些經驗,能夠協助台灣319鄉的在地企業,有效的應用新科技,不只將商品行銷出去,擴大營收規模。同時也可以將人潮引導到在地,進行消費,活化地方經濟。 View all posts by 愛台灣 →

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